Blog Archive

Monday, March 18, 2013

Miss Independent?

I’ve been at such a range of activities from toddlers and youth groups to a service for adults with learning difficulties. I’ve felt very welcome as I’ve been invited for meals, a messy church in Kenelworth with a family with 4 bubbly kids and a Housegroup. Met so many lovely people involved in different things in the church that I’ve had to concentrate on remembering names. It’s been a busy week; I’ll not bore you with all the details, just some of them.
As my host, Eileen, has been on holiday this week, she bravely entrusted to me the job of looking after her big house and little cat. This started with me probably waking up the whole of Warwick as I set off the house alarm. After that slight panic I managed surprisingly alright and Eileen has returned to a house still standing and Alfie who thankfully hasn’t run away.
This morning I even did some acting, which I haven’t done for a while! An organisation, who works in the area, called cross-teach are telling the Easter Story in a fun way to the year 7s in a couple of schools for a few days this week. The little groups have to be detectives and collect evidence at the different ‘crime scenes’. I was the sad, distressed then happy and excited Mary Magdalene and did my little act 8 times in a couple of hours having not seen the script till this morning, but by the last one I had just about enough practice to get it almost right.
I was very excited to hear my placement in Zambia is finally coming together! Relief and preparation mode sets in! At the moment it looks like I’ll be at Chitokoloki Hospital for 6 weeks and in Loloma for another 6 weeks so sounds like another varied experience to be had. I have started getting inoculations sorted for my travels, which involved getting lost as I cycled to the nearest health centre.
I’ve also enjoyed a couple of days off! Despite the freezing weather and occasional blizzards I have briefly explored the small town of Warwick. I even had friends visit and so it was nice to see some familiar faces and have people to play table tennis and pool with in the games room at the back of Eileen’s garden!

Part 2 of FirstServe has commenced!

I arrived at Leamington Spa yesterday and was picked up by the lovely Eileen, the lady I’ll be staying with while in Warwick. I’m looking forward to the programme organised for me for my placement with Myton church. It looks fantastic, there’s so much going on!
Thinking about the three others on the FirstServe programme. It was so great meeting them at Tilsley College up in Motherwell. We had a great two and a half weeks getting to know each other and the students at Tilsley, it was a lot of fun – my belly hurt from the laughter! We learnt lots from the different people we met and received a lot of helpful information and teaching as well – the whole Bible college experience was a brilliant one.
It was sad to leave but it’s nice knowing the others are in the same boat as me at different churches, Deborah in Swansea and James and Hannah in Barnstable, and it’ll be encouraging keeping in touch with them especially through our time on FirstServe.
Meeting my mentor, Jackie, today to run through my programme then I’ll be at a young adults event this evening so looking forward to it!
A lovely walk after a long day of lectures at Tilsley
Thanks for reading my blog, I hope to update it at least once a week. I’m not the best at writing, so bear with, I’ll try to make it interesting!